

mdo  Admin | August 4, 2024

The improvement

Offer territories the opportunity to become true leaders of the ecological and economic transition with the best integrated management of energy, water and environmental resources, with innovative and sustainable solutions, to generate ever more value over time.


A more sustainable life, in smarter cities, for a healthier world with:

revaluation of Critical Raw Materials

extraction of tons of minerals and precious stones

large-scale clean hydrogen production

generation of electro/thermal energy with zero impact


The values

There can be no care for people, the environment and the market without development and true sustainability that is projected into a better tomorrow. The values ​​on which the strategy that seeks the world is based require everyone's commitment and represent the principles in which we must believe and the reference pillars that guide the actions of policies and of each person.


The vision

Improve people's quality of life. Making businesses more competitive to improve the world. Looking at the growth of territories with the eyes of change. Merging development and sustainability into a unique value. Through innovative choices, we want to realize this future that the Government is looking for so much.


The future

The HPP Industrial Plan with the supply of Critical Raw Materials and Hydrogen aims to lay solid foundations for a sustainable tomorrow for the territories for the benefit of every community, we must not waste time and money with over 80% of investments destined for the correct Ecological Transition.
