Companies that source or process critical raw materials – nearly all manufacturing, chemical and heavy industry companies – must prepare for more turbulent times. The constant supply of Critical Raw Materials that they have become accustomed to over the past decades is coming under increasing pressure and is subject to geopolitical tensions.
In light of these risks, the EU has taken action. It has created an enabling environment that offers significant opportunities in developing new raw material supply chains and recycling existing deposits. At the same time, the EU is increasingly demanding of large companies in this sector, recognizing their central role in achieving supply chain security. As new opportunities arise, companies must also consider their responsibilities and new obligations to risk-proof their raw material supply chain.
The International HPP Critical Raw Materials has a unique insight into both the reporting and risk assessment requirements of the supply chain, and the regulatory requirements for large infrastructure projects. It is ready to provide answers to Investors on issues in the context of supply chains of Critical Raw Materials and the new EU CRMA.